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Ubiquiti CoovaChilli

This article refers to the ubnt:XS2.ar2316-coova.v3.5.1. SDK.100821.1330 firmware version. This version is supported since it integrates CoovaChilli RADIUS client.

Please note that this firmware is an unofficial release, since it has been made available by the Ubiquiti Networks Community and not by Ubiquiti Networks.
So if you intend to install this firmware, do it at your own risk.

Download firmware directly from the Ubiquiti Networks Community.


Please access the device through the web interface.

In order to set up the access point, it is necessary to access the Services page in the web interface, and then click the Setup link in the CoovaChilli Hotspot section.

Ubiquiti Coovachilli Setup1

Configuring parameters

UAM portal URL: https://wifihotspot.io/login

RADIUS Server 1:
RADIUS 1 Auth port: 1812
RADIUS 1 Acct port: 1813

RADIUS Server 2:
RADIUS 2 Auth port:1882
RADIUS 2 Acct port: 1883

RADIUS Shared Secret: (contact our office)

The configuration here must be performed as shown in the following image.
Click the Change button in order to apply the new configuration.

Please note:
The RADIUS NAS ID parameter set in the device must be unique for all the access points belonging to your network. Otherwise, the access point will be not correctly integrated with the Start Hotspot solution.
The UAM Secret field must be set equal to the RADIUS NAS ID parameter.
The Start on boot option allows the CoovaChilli service to be started on boot.

Finally, the last confirmation is needed.
Click the Apply button.

Ubiquiti Coovachilli Setup3

If you need help with configuration, please go to starthotspot.com and contact our tech support. We’ll be glad to help you.

Updated on March 1, 2025

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