Aruba Central

This article describes the installation and configuration steps for Aruba Central. Our test was performed with Aruba AP-303-RW.

Aruba Central

Log in to your account on Aruba Central portal.

From menu on the left, under Wireless Configuration, select Networks.

Click Create New and configure the following:

Type – Wireless
Name (SSID) – ArubaWiFi (or whatever you wish)
Primary Usage – Guest

Click Next and continue configuration.

Client IP Assignment – Virtual Controller Assigned

Click Next and continue configuration.

Splash Page Type – External

Captive Portal Profile
– Press + … and set the following.

Name: StartHotspot
Type: Radius Authentication
IP or Hostname:
URL: /login
Port: 443
Use HTTPS: Yes
Captive Portal Failure: Deny Internet
Automatic URL Whitelisting: Unticked
Redirect URL: leave blank

Click Save.

Encryption: Disabled
MAC Authentication: Disabled
Primary Server: Press + … and set following:

Name: StartHotspot1
IP Address:
Shared Key: contact our office
Retype Key: as above

Other values should be left at default settings.

Click Save.

Accounting: Use accounting servers
Accounting Mode: Authentication
Accounting Interval: 5 min

Walled Garden:
Under Whitelist click + and type following domains:

Under Reauth Interval set 24 hrs

Click Next.

Access Rules: Role-Based
Under Role click on New and enter Preauth as the Name.
Click Ok.
Under Access Rules for Selected Roles click on the Plus icon.

Add a new rule one by one for each of the following:

Access Control / Network / Any / Allow / To a Domain Name:
Access Control / Network / Any / Allow / To a Domain Name:
Access Control / Network / Any / Allow / To a Domain Name:

Click on Save to each one and then add the next until all are listed.

Finally, add the following rule:

Access Control / Network / Any / Deny / To All Destinations

Under the Role on the left choose default_wired_port_profile, select Assign Pre-authentication Role and select Preauth.

Updated on July 19, 2024

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