API (Application Programming Interface) is a method of communication between software operations and enables interaction between data, applications, and devices. API processes requests, deliver data and facilitates connectivity between devices and programs to ensure the seamless functioning of various software components. API parameters are defined below, each parameter has the name, value type, and optional description.

We use swagger to allow visualization and interaction with our API resources without having any of the implementation logic in place.

General response class returns status 200 when executed, with parameters:

Parameter Type Description
Success boolean Request was sucessfully executed and data is returned
Error string Contains error description and returns only if request was not sucessfully executed
Response string Contains response data


Endpoint: hotspot/id

Search by the Hotspot Id (Guid)

Parameter Type Description
Id string Unique Hotspot Id


Endpoint: hotspot/mac

Search by the Hotspot MAC

Parameter Type Description
mac string Hotspot MAC


Endpoint: hotspot/name

Search by the Hotspot name (or part of the name)

Parameter Type Description
name string Hotspot name


Endpoint: hotspot/location

Search by the location name (or part of the name)

Parameter Type Description
location string Hotspot location name


Endpoint: hotspot/modelname

Search by Hotspot model (or part of the name)

Parameter Type Description
model string Hotspot model


Endpoint: hotspot/model

Parameters returned in responses

Model Type Description
Id string Unique Hotspot Id
Name string Hotspot name
Model string Hotspot model
Active boolean License active or expired
ActiveTo integer License expiration time
DateCreated integer Date of the license creation
LogoutURL string Logout URL
LocationName string Location name
LocationId string Unique location Id
AccountId string Unique account Id
LicenceId string Unique Licence Id


Endpoint: internetplan/id

Search by the InternetPlan Id (Guid)

Parameter Type Description
Id string Unique InternetPlan Id


Endpoint: internetplan/name

Search by the InternetPlan MAC

Parameter Type Description
name string InternetPlan name


Endpoint: internetplan/model

Parameters returned in responses

Model Type Description
Id string Unique InternetPlan Id
Name string Internet Plan name
Active boolean If it is selected, the price plan is active and can be used for account generating
Price integer Internet plan price
Download integer Download rate limitation
Upload integer Upload rate limitation
Quota integer Bandwidth traffic available to a user
UnlimitedQuota boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users bandwidth quota
Time integer Time limitation
UnlimitedTime boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users in time
EnableExpire boolean Enable Expiration feature on the Internet plan
Expire string Set expire date from the first login
ExpireIn integer Account expires from the first use in defined number of minutes
Autologin boolean Enable Autologin feature for account
MultiLogin boolean Enable login for multiple devices
LoginsPerAccount integer Number of user devices allowed to login with the same account
EnableDailyTime boolean Enable Daily Time on the Internet plan
DailyTime integer Total time available for Internet usage on a daily basis
Reuse boolean
Allow or prevent reuse of Internet plan during signup
ReuseInterval integer A user may signup again after specified interval


Endpoint: location/id

Search by the Location name (Guid)

Parameter Type Description
Id string Unique Location Id


Endpoint: location/mac

Search by the Location name

Parameter Type Description
name string Location name


Endpoint: location/model

Parameters returned in responses

Model Type Description
Id string Unique Location Id
Name string Location name
SplashPage string Location Splash page
RedirectType integer Location Redirect Type
RedirectURL string Location Redirect URL
DateCreated string Date of the location creation
Email string Location email
Address string Location address
City string Location city
Url string Location URL


Endpoint: payment


Parameter Type Description
from string Filter by start date in format MM/DD/YYYY
to string Filter by end date in format MM/DD/YYYY
skip integer Skip desired number of rows
count integer Number of accounts to create
order integer Order ascending (0) or descending (1)


Endpoint: payment/id

Search by the Payment Id (Guid)

Parameter Type Description
Id string Unique Payment Id


Endpoint: payment/model

Parameters returned in responses

Model Type Description
Id string Unique Payment Id
TransactionTime string Transaction time
Status string Payment status
Username string Customer Username
MAC string Customer MAC address
Amount string Price of the user account. If specified, it’s recorded in payments on first usage
Currency string The currency of the price
InternetPlan string Internet Plan
InternetPlanId string Id of the Internet plan
Firstname string Customer name
Lastname string Customer last name
Email string Customer email
Mobile string Customer mobile phone number
Address string Customer address
City string Customer city
Country string Customer country
Postalcode string Customer postal code
State string Customer state
LocationName string Unique Location name
HotspotName string Unique Hotspot name
HotspotMAC string Hotspot MAC address
TransactionCode string Transaction code
PaymentType string Payment type
Invoice string Invoice
UserTypeId string Type of user account to create ; 1-user/pass, 2-login code
PaymentGatewayId string Payment Gateway  Id
PaymentGatewayName string Payment Gateway Name
AccountId string Unique Account Id
LocationId string Unique Location Id
HotspotId string Unique Hotspot Id


Endpoint: session


Parameter Type Description
from string Filter by start date in format MM/DD/YYYY
to string Filter by end date in format MM/DD/YYYY
skip integer Skip desired number of rows
count integer Number of rows to return
order integer Order ascending (0) or descending (1)


Endpoint: session/id

Search by the Session Id (Guid)

Parameter Type Description
Id string Unique Session Id


Endpoint: session/model

Parameters returned in responses

Model Type Description
Id string Unique Session Id
Username string Customer username
StartTime string Session Start time
EndTime string Session End time
LocationName string Location name
HotspotName string Hotspot name
HotspotMAC string Hotspot MAC address
HotspotIP string Hotspot IP address
MAC string AP MAC address
IP string AP IP address
SessionTime string Session duration
Download string Download rate limitation
Upload string Upload rate limitation
Bandwidth string Bandwidth traffic
Device string Customer device
DeviceType string Customer device type
Browser string Web Browser
Language string Browser language
UserId string Unique User Id
LocationId string Unique Location Id
HotspotId string Unique Hotspot Id
SessionId string Unique Session Id
TerminateDesc string Session terminate description


Endpoint: user


Parameter Type Description
from string Filter by start date in format MM/DD/YYYY
to string Filter by end date in format MM/DD/YYYY
skip integer Skip desired number of rows
count integer Number of rows to return
order integer Order ascending (0) or descending (1)


Endpoint: user/test


Parameter Type Description
Id string Unique User Id


Endpoint: user/id

Search by the User ID

Parameter Type Description
id string Unique User Id


Endpoint: user/username

Search by the Username

Parameter Type Description
username string Username


Endpoint: user/email

Search by the user email

Parameter Type Description
email string User email


Patch: user/patch/{id}

Parameter Type Description
id string Unique User Id
username string Customer username
password string Customer password
mac string AP MAC address
Firstname string Customer name
Lastname string Customer last name
Email string Customer email
Mobile string Customer mobile phone number
Address string Customer address
City string Customer city
Country string Customer country
Postalcode string Customer postal code
State string Customer state
ProfileImageUrl string Customer image
Sex integer Customer gender
Birthday string Customer birthday
InternetPlan string Internet Plan
ContactPermission boolean Ask users to accept or deny contact permission to comply with the GDPR consent requirements
Active boolean If it is selected, the price plan is active and can be used for account generating
Download integer Download rate limitation
Upload integr Upload rate limitation
Quota integer Total bandwidth traffic available to a user
UnlimitedQuota boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users bandwidth quota
Timeleft integer Time left on the user account
UnlimitedTime boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users in time
EnableExpire boolean Enable Expiration feature on the account
Expire string Set expire date from the first login
ExpireIn integer Configure the account to expire in X days, Y hours, and Z minutes
UserTypeId integer Type of user account to create ; 1-user/pass, 2-login code
Autologin boolean Enable Autologin feature for account
MultiLogin boolean Enable Multilogin feature for account
LoginsPerAccount integer Allows more than one user (device) to login with the same account
CustomField1 string Configure custom fields based on your requirements
CustomField2 string
CustomField3 string
DateCreated string Date of account creation
LastUsed string Date when account is last time used
SignUpSourceId integer If amount is specified, account is marked as sold when added to payments
UserStatus integer If amount is specified, account is marked as sold when added to payments
Amount integer Price of the user account. If specified, it’s recorded in payments on first usage
DailyTime integer Total time available for Internet usage on a daily basis
DailyTimeLeft integer Daily time left on the user account
DailyQuota integer Total daily bandwidth traffic available to a user
DailyQuotaLeft integer Daily quota left on the user account
Sold boolean If amount is specified, account is marked as sold when added to payments
LocationId string Unique Location Id
HotspotId string Unique Hotspot Id
AdministratorId string Unique Administrator Id


Endpoint: user/create

Parameter Type Description
userType integer Type of user account to create ; 1-user/pass, 2-login code
count integer Number of accounts to create
prefix string Prefix letters to add in front of generated username or code
internetPlanId integer ID of the Internet plan
download integer Download rate limitation
upload integer Upload rate limitation


Endpoint: user/new

Create a new User

Parameter Type Description
Usertype integer Type of user account to create ; 1-user/pass, 2-login code
Username string Customer username
Password string Customer password
MAC string AP MAC address
InternetPlanID integer ID of the Internet plan
Download integer Download rate limitation
Upload integer Upload rate limitation
UnlimitedQuota boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users bandwidth quota
Quota integer Total bandwidth traffic available to a user
UnlimitedTime boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users in time
Timeleft integer Time left on the user account
EnableExpire boolean Enable Expiration feature on the account
Expire string Set expire date from the first login
ExpireIn integer Configure the account to expire in X days, Y hours, and Z minutes
Autologin boolean Enable Autologin feature for account
Active boolean If it is selected, the price plan is active and can be used for account generating
Multilogin boolean Enable Multilogin feature for account
LoginsPerAccount integer Allows more than one user (device) to login with the same account
DailyTim integer Total time available for Internet usage on a daily basis
FirstName string Customer name
LastName string Customer last name
Email string Customer email
Mobile string Customer mobile phone number
ContactPermission boolean Ask users to accept or deny contact permission to comply with the GDPR consent requirements
Address string Customer address
City string Customer city
Country string Customer country
Postalcode string Customer postal code
State string Customer state
ProfileImageUrl string Customer image
Gender integer Customer gender
Birthday string Customer birthday
CustomField1 string Configure custom fields based on your requirements
CustomField2 string
CustomField3 string
Amount integer Price of the user account. If specified, it’s recorded in payments on first usage
Sold boolean If amount is specified, account is marked as sold when added to payments

Post: user/update

Parameter Type Description
id string Unique User Id
username string Customer username
password string Customer password
mac string AP MAC address
internetPlanID integer ID of the Internet plan
download integer Download rate limitation
upload integer Upload rate limitation
unlimitedQuota boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users bandwidth quota
quota integer Total bandwidth traffic available to a user
unlimitedTime boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users in time
timeleft integer Time left on the user account
enableExpire boolean Enable Expiration feature on the account
expire string Set expire date from the first login
expireIn integer Configure the account to expire in X days, Y hours, and Z minutes
autologin boolean Enable Autologin feature for account
active boolean If it is selected, the price plan is active and can be used for account generating
multilogin boolean Enable Multilogin feature for account
loginsPerAccount integer Allows more than one user (device) to login with the same account
dailyTim integer Total time available for Internet usage on a daily basis
firstName string Customer name
lastName string Customer last name
email string Customer email
mobile string Customer mobile phone number
contactPermission boolean Ask users to accept or deny contact permission to comply with the GDPR consent requirements
address string Customer address
city string Customer city
country string Customer country
postalcode string Customer postal code
state string Customer state
profileImageUrl string Customer image
gender integer Customer gender
birthday string Customer birthday
customField1 string Configure custom fields based on your requirements
customField2 string
customField3 string
amount integer Price of the user account. If specified, it’s recorded in payments on first usage
sold boolean If amount is specified, account is marked as sold when added to payments

Endpoint: user/model

Parameters returned in responses

Parameter Type Description
id string Unique User Id
username string Customer username
password string Customer password
mac string AP MAC address
Firstname string Customer name
Lastname string Customer last name
Email string Customer email
Mobile string Customer mobile phone number
Address string Customer address
City string Customer city
Country string Customer country
Postalcode string Customer postal code
State string Customer state
ProfileImageUrl string Customer image
Sex integer Customer gender
Birthday string Customer birthday
InternetPlan string Internet plan
ContactPermission boolean Ask users to accept or deny contact permission to comply with the GDPR consent requirements
Active boolean If it is selected, the price plan is active and can be used for account generating
Download integer Download rate limitation
Upload integr Upload rate limitation
Quota integer Total bandwidth traffic available to a user
UnlimitedQuota boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users bandwidth quota
Timeleft integer Time left on the user account
UnlimitedTime boolean Enable this option if you do not wish to limit users in time
EnableExpire boolean Enable Expiration feature on the account
Expire string
Set expire date from the first login
ExpireIn integer
Configure the account to expire in X days, Y hours, and Z minutes
UserTypeId integer Type of user account to create ; 1-user/pass, 2-login code
Autologin boolean
Enable Autologin feature for account
MultiLogin boolean Enable Multilogin feature for account
LoginsPerAccount integer Allows more than one user (device) to login with the same account
CustomField1 string Configure custom fields based on your requirements
CustomField2 string
CustomField3 string
DateCreated string Date of account creation
LastUsed string Date when account is last time used
SignUpSourceId integer If amount is specified, account is marked as sold when added to payments
UserStatus integer If amount is specified, account is marked as sold when added to payments
Amount integer Price of the user account. If specified, it’s recorded in payments on first usage
DailyTime integer Total time available for Internet usage on a daily basis
DailyTimeLeft integer Daily time left on the user account
DailyQuota integer Total daily bandwidth traffic available to a user
DailyQuotaLeft integer Daily quota left on the user account
Sold boolean If amount is specified, account is marked as sold when added to payments
LocationId string Unique Location Id
HotspotId string Unique Hotspot Id
AdministratorId string Unique Administrator Id

C# Example:

    public ActionResult GetAPIUserData()
        using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
            // HTTP POST
            client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://wifihotspot.io");
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ApiKey", "your-api-key-guid");
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
            var response = client.GetAsync("/api/user/").Result;
            string res = "";
            using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
                // ... Read the string.
                Task<string> result = content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                res = result.Result;
                return  Content(res);



Here are examples how to use API.

In this example we will change Internet Plan name on user account and it will be done on SOMETESTUSER  account.

Initial Start Hotspot user account screen:

You can open Swagger directly using this link

Put there API key and press Explore button.

We’ll put some data:

Before executing, open up inspector in your browser (F12 ) and go to Network tab.

Account gets updated:

We’ll get this response:

Let’s check browser inspector:

It’s a post.
ApiKey needs to be stated in Request Header, with params:

api_key is not required in params, only in header.

Postman example:

To update user account, you need to specify each field you want to change, like download, upload, quota, time left, name of the plan. etc.

Changing plan id, replaces just this one field, not all associated fields of the user account.

Updated on July 19, 2024

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